Thursday, 8 May 2014

Parameterized classes, how does they effect static members in it and about Factory Macros

Below information is copied from Mentor Graphics blog. Keeping it in my blog for my reference.

Below is the original link of topic.


When you declare a parameterized class, it is more like a template, or generic class than a real class type. Only specializations of parameterized classes are real types. Suppose I have the two class definitions in the table below:

Un-parameterized Parameterized
class A;
  static string name = “packet”;
class B #(int w=1);
  static string name = “packet”;
The class A definition by itself creates the static variable A::name initialized with the string “packet” without any other reference to class A. As soon as you add parameters to a class definition, like the parameter w in class B, the class becomes a generic class and the static variable name does not get created. As soon as there are specializations of the class B, each unique specialization causes the static variables inside the class to be instantiated.  The following statements create two specializations of class B and two instances of the static variable.  B#(2)::name and B#(3)::name are both set to “packet”.

typedef B#(2) B2;
B#(3) B3_1h;
B#(3) B3_2h;
The two class variable declarations (B3_1h and B3_2h) represent only one unique specialization of B because its parameters have the same value in both declarations. The variable B#(1)::name does not exist unless there is some other reference to B or B#(1) somewhere else.
What if you wanted the static string variable name to have a different value for each unique specialization of B? You could write something like

class B #(int w=1);
  static string name = $psprintf(“packet%0d”,w);
Now assuming the previous typedef and variable declarations above, B#(2)::name would have the value “packet2” and B#(3)::name would have the value “packet3”. There would be no instance B#(1)::name and the string “packet1” would never have been generated.

Below gives, complete example of static variable in param class.

module static_in_param_class();

    class A#(int w = 1);

        static string name = "packet";


    A#(2) A1;
//    $display("Value of static variable is %s", A::name);  // Valid only for un-parameterized class. If class A has no parameters, this works.
    $display("Value of static variable is %s",;  // If class A has parameters as shown, It will be generic class, we need to create a handle with specific parameter and can access the static member only with handle.



Now let us go back to the `ovm_object_utils macro. Suppose we have the following class definition

`include “ovm_macros.svh”
import ovm_pkg::*;
class packetA extends ovm_object;

Looking at just the factory registration statement this macro inserts for us (this little one line macro expands to over 100 lines of code just to support the field automation macros), we see a typedef for a specialization of the parameterized class ovm_object_registry called type_id.

import ovm_pkg::*;
class packetA extends ovm_object;
  typedef ovm_object_registry#(packetA,”packetA”) type_id;  static function type_id get_type();
    return type_id::get();
The specialized class type_id gives us access to all the static declarations inside ovm_object_registry. The code inside that class does something similar to what class A did above, except that it builds a global list of all string names and their associated types that can be used by the factory. The OVM gives you the choice of using the string name “packet” or the static function packetA::get_type() to set overrides, depending on which factory methods you use. The problem using the string names is that there is no type checking until run-time when the override statements are executed. We prefer you use type references to perform overrides
Finally, let us take a look at a parameterized class, but assume we used the same `ovm_object_utils macro.

import ovm_pkg::*;
class packetB #(int w=1) extends ovm_object;
  typedef ovm_object_registry#(packetB#(w),”packetB#(w)”) type_id;  static function type_id get_type();
    return type_id::get();
There are two problems here. The first is that this is now a generic class. The string “packetB#(w)” will not put on the factory registration list unless there is a specialization of the class packetB somewhere. The second is that if there are more than one specializations of packetB, they all will be registered with the same string name, producing an error at run time.
The `ovm_object_param_utils macro simply leaves the second parameter to ovm_object_registry as the null string and forces you to use type references for your overrides. These type references also create the specializations needed to create the static methods inside these classes.
The references to packetB#(2) and extended_packetB#(2) are checked at compile time and cause the static methods within these references to be created.
You can use $psprintf to register a string name as long as the string is unique for each specialization of the class. This can be difficult when the parameters are types.
import ovm_pkg::*;
class packetB #(int w=1) extends ovm_object;
  parameter sting name = $psprintf(“packetB%0d”,w);
  typedef ovm_object_registry#(packetB#(w),name) type_id;
OK, I’m done. If you still need more background information. I recommend another DVCon09 paper I wrote with Adam about Using Parameterized and Factories.


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